If you have decided to modernize your dwelling but are unsure about where to start, you will be pleased to discover that there is a virtually limitless number of ways to update the look of a traditional home. Whether you want to make major changes or simply add a bit of color or install a modern mailbox, there are numerous ways to accomplish your goal. Below are some tips on how to update the look of your home and enhance its curbside appeal:
Add Contemporary Artwork
Strategic placement of contemporary art in one or more rooms of your home will go a long way toward updating its appearance. Few things are more appealing in a dwelling than modern art mixed with traditional architectural detail. When you imagine these two styles in one home you may be afraid they will clash, but this is not the case. Rather, the modern pieces of art act as a foil to the home's traditional background, making it a foolproof combination.

Bright Colors
Another simple way to update and modernize essentially any dwelling is to integrate bright colors. Rich, golden yellow offers a decidedly contemporary feel, while a soft, but bright mint green creates a whimsical, yet still traditional appearance. Keep in mind that intricate, fussy patterns can quickly take on a vintage vibe, and therefore solid, bold colors are the safest option when an updated look is your goal.
Whether you choose a glass bar cart, a Lucite coffee table, or a crystal chandelier, a little transparency is the best way to lighten up the heaviness of the upholstered furniture and dark woods seen in many traditional homes. Simply placing one or two transparent items in the dwelling can quickly add a contemporary touch.

Break Up Furniture Sets
Do not be afraid to break up matching furniture sets, as the latter are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Modern decor frequently calls for mismatched furniture. This eclectic look is considered one of the primary characteristics of contemporary interior design. You can accomplish this by putting pieces of a matched set in different rooms, disregarding certain pieces that are outdated, and reupholstering other pieces entirely.
In this way, it is not necessary to purchase a brand-new furniture set, but you can still achieve a brand-new look. However, to ensure that all elements are connected, create a focal point in the room, which can be as simple as adding a statement lighting fixture.
Minimize Accessories
According to most interior designers, modern decor means minimalist design. Therefore, consider using the philosophy of “less is more,” and do not give in to the urge to place accessories on every horizontal surface. To de-clutter any room, use the five items per shelf rule. Any more than this is too much and will give your home a dated look. An easy way to decide what to get rid of and what to keep is to consider the meaning of each accessory, and whether or not it truly adds something to the home.
Get Technical
One thing missing from traditional homes is technology. For this reason, one of the quickest ways to update the look of your dwelling is to tech it up. Whether you choose to design a separate multimedia room, or you simply want to add splashes of technology to every area of your home, the options are virtually limitless.
For example, you can update the look of your living room by investing a high-quality audio and visual system. A wall-mounted Smart TV is also a great way to add a contemporary flair to a family room. Even simple touches, such as the addition of a game table can modernize a room.
Landscaping should also be considered when your goal is to modernize your dwelling. For example, one eye-catching idea to update the look of your home's exterior is to add a splash of color at the front of the dwelling. For a dramatic effect, select one bold hue for the front door or another primary focal point at the front of the house.
Doorways that are overwhelmed by greenery have an outdated look, but this can be easily remedied by getting out the shears. Replace overgrown shrubs with flowering plants of different colors and you will have instantly updated the exterior of your home. You may also wish to consider the addition of a charming focal point, such as a fountain or a landscaped walkway, both of which will add major value to your property.

Modernize Your Mailbox
If you chose to change your exterior decor or landscaping, consider adding a modern mailbox as well. This is one small detail that goes a long way toward updating the look of your home and enhancing its curbside appeal. From new landscaping and the addition of technology to simple things such as modern mailboxes and a fresh coat of paint, it is easy to update the look of your dwelling and add beauty and value to your property.